Kashiwajima, also known as Kashiwa Island, is a small, remote fishing community in the Southwest of Kochi Prefecture. Kashiwajima is a tropical paradise, home to crystal clear sublime waters and coral reefs surrounding the island. Whether you are a fiver or a snorkeller, there’s plenty to see living in these waters, with an estimated 1000-3500 different species that roam these waters around the island. Dolphins can also sometimes be seen playing in the waters.
Kashiwajima is connected to the Otsuki Peninsula by 2 bridges at the southwest tip of the peninsula. The island is small, with a circumference of about 4km.
In addition to the beautiful waters of Kashiwajima, the island and Otsuki Peninsula landscape is incredible. Sheer cliffs jut out of the water, mountainous terrain, and short, easy hikes await your visit to Kashiwajima. There is also a small observation tower called the Odo Observatory that you can visit for free. It overlooks the island and provides a stunning view of the Kashiwajima and the aquaculture farms that occupy some of the bay. These aquaculture farms create an iconic view of the bay and also attract wildlife to the farms to scavenge any scraps from the farms.
Near the Odo Observatory, you can also see the Odo Monkey Park, where, if you are lucky, you may come across some wild Japanese Marque monkeys. If there are no monkeys around at the Odo Monkey Park, then at the very least, you can enjoy the stunning view of the waters at the base of the hill.
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Accessing Kashiwajima
Rental CarsIn general, accessing Kashiwajima is best done by private vehicle or rental car. Kashiwajima is approximately a 35 minute drive to the closest small city with a train line, Sukumo.
Surprisingly, despite the rural nature of the Kashiwajima community, there is a bus line from Sukumo to Kahiwajima via Otsuki town, costing 1370 JPY One way, and taking a little over an hour.
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Where to Stay
Hotel Bellreaf Otsuki
Located outside of Otsuki, the Hotel Bellreaf Otsuki is approximately a 15 minute drive from Kashiwajima.Book Now (Booking.com)Book Now (Agoda)Kashiwa Village
Capsule hotel located on Kashiwajima, providing an affordable places to stay for overnight visits to the island.
Book Now (Booking.com)Book Now (Agoda)