Shimabara Castle, also known as Moritake Castle, is located in the city of Shimabara in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. The castle has a rich history dating back to the 17th century, when construction began in early 1600’s under the orders of Matsukura Shigemasa, the daimyo (feudal lord) of the Shimabara domain. The construction of the castle took an estimated 7 years to complete.
However, Shimabara Castle’s history is also marked by tragedy. In 1637-1638, the Shimabara Rebellion, a peasant uprising against oppressive feudal rule and religious persecution, took place in the region, with Shimabara Castle playing a significant role in the rebellion.
The castle was ultimately destroyed during the Meiji Restoration period (1868-1912), but the castle was lovingly reconstructed in the mid-1960s. The five-storied castle keep now houses a collection of Christian Artefacts and other traditional Japanese weapons inside of the Castle Tower Museum.
You can find a small observation deck on the castle’s fifth floor. The observation deck provides you with a panoramic view of Shimabara, Mount Unzen and as far out as Kumamoto City across the water when conditions are right.
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Hours and Admission
- Hours: 9:00am - 5:30pm
- 550JPY
- Average Time Spent: 30-60 minutes
- Official Website
Accessing Shimabara Castle
Shimabara Castle sits approximately 250 meters away from Shimabara Station, providing quick and easy access from where you are coming from.
The ferry terminal to/from Kumamoto is only a 7 minute train ride from Shimabarako Station to Shimabara Station. This train journey will cost 150JPY one way.
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